Latest FEHC regs revision
Friday, March 30, 2007
The Fair Employment and Housing Commission did it again; they issued another proposed revision of the AB 1825 regulations. Here's a link to the latest proposed regulations (3/27/07 version) at the FEHC site.
The revised regulations no longer separate the jobs of "qualified trainer" and "subject matter expert"; now, everyone who will be qualified to train (or to prepare training materials, or to answer questions from students), must satisfy the requirements to be a "trainer." This basically requires two years' experience providing harassment training or consulting.
Thus, the lastest revisions set stronger standards for AB 1825 training providers than the FEHC's original proposed regulations (11/14/06 version), but not as rigorous as the last set of proposed regulations (2/27/07 version).
The latest proposed regs are now back open for public comment until April 16, 2007. The Commission's next action (and perhaps the final-final-final-this-time-I-mean-it-final version of the AB1825 regulations) will occur a week later at the FEHC meeting on April 23, 2007.
The revised regulations no longer separate the jobs of "qualified trainer" and "subject matter expert"; now, everyone who will be qualified to train (or to prepare training materials, or to answer questions from students), must satisfy the requirements to be a "trainer." This basically requires two years' experience providing harassment training or consulting.
Thus, the lastest revisions set stronger standards for AB 1825 training providers than the FEHC's original proposed regulations (11/14/06 version), but not as rigorous as the last set of proposed regulations (2/27/07 version).
The latest proposed regs are now back open for public comment until April 16, 2007. The Commission's next action (and perhaps the final-final-final-this-time-I-mean-it-final version of the AB1825 regulations) will occur a week later at the FEHC meeting on April 23, 2007.